Saturday, August 18, 2012

Year # two - here we go!

In honor of my wife's new effort to blog more frequently, I'm going to try to do the same.  I will probably not be as successful as she is, but I will make an effort nonetheless.

Here are my top 3 thoughts and reflections on year #1 of my journey through life as the husband of a med student...

1)  Before we started this, many people told us how awful it would be and that med school would "destroy our marriage" and "destroy our family."  These comments were, I'm sure, said with the best of intentions, but were always discouraging.  I will say that our marriage and family are in a BETTER position today than they were last year at this time, despite the challenges and unique schedule and way of life we have had to take on.  And I can say that, now that we've got a year under our belts, we have a much better understanding of the process and what we need to do to continue to make our marriage and family stronger, despite the demanding nature of medical school.

2)  God is good, and has been good to us in so many ways in the past year.  From the way He obviously orchestrated things for Bekah to get in to MSU, to the way He enabled her to excel in her classes while spending less time than the 80 hours a week they said everyone should spend, to the way He worked things out for her to be able to remain in Grand Rapids for her clinical years (MS3 and MS4), to the way He has provided work and income opportunities for me, despite the fact I've now been two and a half years without a full-time job, to the way our kids have had many opportunities to do amazing things and grow and change in each of their situations.  I can only look back on the past year and be thankful for how God has helped us.

3)  I have an amazing wife.  Not only has she done well with her school work, she has kept God and her family at the top of her priority list.  She recently had an opportunity to observe surgery, and came away from that experience for the first time really KNOWING what she wants to do with this medicine thing.  And, since I know her and how she works, she's GOING to do it.  She has an amazing mind, an amazing work ethic, and has given so much to our family in the midst of all of this - I love you, Bekah!

I have no idea where this blog will go next...but hopefully it will continue to be a worthwhile read.  I would offer the following encouragement to anyone who is considering doing something difficult in a situation that seems impossible - if God really wants you to do it, He will make it possible.  And if He makes it possible, He will also work things out so that you can do it well.

Maybe next post I'll talk about my perspective on gender roles.  That's always an interesting topic of discussion, considering that I'm for all practical purposes a house-husband right now.  :)

In the meantime, here's a link to a great recipe I made for the family a couple nights is currently our new favorite dessert.  :)

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